So I got to watch the final round of rehearsals yesterday (I know! Lord only knows why Kel wants
my opinion, but hey, it was cool for me! :P) and it was the bomb, really.
Oh, and I will keep this short even though I'm (extremely) bored at work :P
Everyone has come so far from Day 1 and I felt really privileged to be able to watch them grow. Truly, the audience will never know just how much effort these guys have put in; they deserve sell-out crowds and standing ovations just for the sheer energy they've given to this production! Cast, crew and the entire production team - everyone works together amazingly well, with immense professionalism and dedication to this project. I really don't think TOS could've asked for a better bunch of peeps and I'm so happy for my dearest Kel that it's worked out so well.
Whatever happens from the 4th-8th of June, everyone involved in HILTD can pat themselves on the back (and anywhere else they may so desire) because this is most definitely a job well done. I'm really proud to have helped you guys in some teeny tiny way!! :)
Ooh, one last note - L'il Bit's outfit is H.A.W.T!! :D Haha, can I borrow once the show's over? ;)